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What is PowerApps?

Microsoft PowerApps is a new platform to create line of business mobile applications that can be built in minutes without the need of writing code (also known as No code/Low-Code platform) or worrying about all the complexity involved in writing cross platform applications that support iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Windows and the web. PowerApps allows you to easily build applications that connect to several data sources, including SQL databases, SharePoint lists, Excel Spreadsheets, Office 365, Dynamics CRM, OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive, Trello, Facebook, Twitter, Wunderlist, and more. But more importantly it includes a new secure business database called the Microsoft Common Data Model.

PowerApps provides a very powerful and yet simple experience that allows you to build applications with rich mobile capabilities such as access to Camera, GPS, etc. while providing a modeling experience as simple as Microsoft PowerPoint and providing a familiar way to express logic like Microsoft Excel.

In this article I am showing how to save powerapps form data to SharePoint using MS Flow…

    • Click Flows menu in Left Hand Navigation
  • Create a new flow : New à Automated – from blank
  • Select triggers Power Apps
  • It will display below screen
  • Click Next Step to add Create Item action to save the data to SharePoint
  • Enter Site Address
  • Select List Name
  • Click ‘Ask in PowerApps’ link to add the columns
  • Below I have added two columns (Country and State)
  • Click Save link to Save the Flow ->Then you can able to see the flow like below

Step 2: Create a Canvas App from blank

  • Add your input controls and Submit button
    • Example

Select Button – Go to Action Menu – Click Flows and Add the above created flow

  • Then Select Button and add OnSelect Event
    • Add the formula <FlowName>.Run(column1,column2,…)
    • Ex: PowerAppWF.Run(txtcountry.Text,txtState.Text)
  • Then Execute the app and test the App and flow.